As an attractive compliment to the WICTEC range of curtain walls, WICLINE 90 SG integrated sash provides efficient ventilation and can be operated both manually or automatically. This all-glass window provides opening options such as a projecting top-hung sash or a parallel outward opening sash and can be integrated flush within the all glass WICTEC 50 SG structural glazing curtain walling, or within a more traditional curtain wall using pressure profiles and cover caps. For optimum thermal insulation, the WICLINE 90 SG can accommodate double or triple glazing, using standard IGUs without stepped edges, both for improved cost and safety.
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System test results / CE product pass in accordance with EN 14351-1:2006+A2:2016

Air permeability
Water tightness
Resistance to wind load
Repeated opening / closing
Impact resistance
Load bearing capacity of safety devices
Quality assurance
Environmental management
Class 4
Class C4 / B4
Class 2 (10 000 cycles)
Up to class 3
ETA: -12/0551 (European Technical Approval)
Certified according to ISO 9001:2008
Certified according to ISO 14001

Technical performance

Profile technology

  • All-glass sash with slim profile design for maximum transparency
  • Construction depth 90 mm, internal sight line 55 mm
  • ETA granted (European Technical Approval)
  • Infill thickness up to 62 mm
  • For double or triple glazing
  • Technology without stepped glazing, more economical and easier to assemble
  • Complete fittings from WICONA for manual or motor operation

Thermal insulation

  • Uf value up to 1.1 W/(m²K)

Italian sash application

  • Sash weight up to 180 kg
  • Sash sizes (w x h): up to 1500 mm x 2500 mm or up to 2000 mm x 1700 mm

Parallel outward sash application

  • Sash weight until 200 kg
  • Sash sizes (w x h): up to 1500 mm x 3000 mm or up to 2000 mm x 1500 mm


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