For 88% of European architects (according to a WICONA survey), acoustics play an important to very important role in their construction projects. To meet our customers' needs, WICONA offers WICACOUSTIC, specially developed software for assessing the acoustic performance of aluminium joinery. Reliable and accurate, WICACOUSTIC is the only tool on the market that provides evaluations for any composition (including dimensions and glazing) with an accuracy of 1 dB, comparable to a laboratory test. This feature not only saves time, but also provides architects and builders with a method to measure cost savings and achieve desired performance levels with just a few clicks. In addition, this state-of-the-art software can model complex assemblies and large-scale joinery.


Always at the forefront of the aluminium sector and willing to take on new technological challenges, WICONA's WICACOUSTIC is the first software on the market to measure the acoustic performance of joinery.

WICACOUSTIC offers numerous advantages for the user, including

  • Cost optimisation: easy choice of glazing range to achieve the desired acoustic performance
  • Saves time: instant calculation after selecting the required joinery in just a few clicks, including for complex assemblies (fixed parts, sashes, etc.)
  • Simple to use: the intuitive interface makes it easy to learn, even for construction professionals who are not experts in acoustics.
  • Accurate to within a decibel

Calculating the acoustic performance of product

Easy-to-use Calculator Tool

  • The user enters the frame: range, single versions or made-to-measure assembly, then the type of opening.
  • The user then enters the dimensions of the structure and selects the type of infill from a database of predefined glazing and panels.
  • Once these elements have been entered, the WICACOUSTIC software instantly provides the European Rw (C;Ctr) and American STC (sound reduction) ratings for the joinery, as well as the usual RA,tr rating for road traffic noise reduction.

Service and support

Do you have a question about WICACOUSTIC? Please contact the WICACOUSTIC support:


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