Based on our successful concept of the WICSTYLE evo door system, we have developed a new generation of non-thermally broken door - the WICSTYLE 65 N NG. Specifically designed for use inside buildings or applications with no thermal insulation requirement, it can be tailor-made to any configuration. The modular door system can be easily upgraded to fulfil safety and security requirements such as fire and smoke protection. The profiles have been extruded from Hydro CIRCAL 75R aluminium – a top quality aluminium alloy composed of at least 75% recycled end-of-life aluminium (post-consumer scrap).
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Test results for product standard DIN EN 14351-1

Air permeability
Water tightness
Resistance to wind load
Sound insulation
Operating forces
Load bearing capacity of safety devices
Mechanical strength
Continuous operation
Impact resistance
Class 4
Rw (C;Ctr) = 44 (-2; -6) dB
Class 2
passed requirement fulfilled
Class 3
Class 7 (500,000 cycles)
Class 1

Technical performance

Design & appearance


System Overview

  • The WICSTYLE 65 N NG is developed as a modular system, providing multiple solutions for a variety of applications
  • Can be combined with the thermally-broken WICSTYLE evo system
  • The gaskets, glazing beads, connection profiles and all other basic components are standardised
  • Can be fully integrated into WICTEC facades and WICLINE windows to deliver architectural freedom and design consistency
  • WICSTYLE 65 N NG standard door can be easily upgraded to provide smoke or fire protection
  • Specifically designed for use inside buildings or applications where thermal insulation is not required
  • Made with 75% recycled and 95% recyclable materials and components


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