LUXA building

Barcelona, Spain



Building Type

Office buildings


Batlle i Roig Arquitectura (Enric Batlle, Joan Roig)


Moyser S.L.

Other planning committee


Used systems


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The LUXA building, constructed by the Batlle i Roig Arquitectura architect's office, is located in the 22@ district of Barcelona. This district, which concentrates innovation, technology and business, was developed after the remodelling of the Ensanche district designed by Cerdá. The project consists of two independent sections with a gold and a silver finish, located in the Fábrica Pons block which has been completely remodelled to create a green area.

Both buildings, the silver one which has a surface area of 9,920 sq m and the gold one, with a surface area of 6,494 sq m, are connected by a common base which joins the entrances to the lobbies, in which the skylights and smoke exhaust ventilators have been built with the WICTEC 50 curtain wall. It should be mentioned that this WICONA curtain wall system has been awarded the C2C Silver Certificate. This certification entails a change in paradigm in relation to how a product is designed, what it consists of and how it is disposed of at the end of its useful life. It is a system of guidance for product designers and manufacturers which gives rise to the creation of products that redefine quality, appearance and innovation. To reach one of the five certification levels (from basic to platinum), a product must satisfy the minimum requirements of the pertinent level in all five categories. These categories are: Material lifespan, material reutilisation, renewable energy and carbon management, water stewardship and social equity and biodiversity.

Both the buildings have 9 floors above the ground level, with a height between plants of 3.84 meters, thus permitting a free interior height of 2.70 metres on the offices floor. As far as the use of the buildings is concerned, Amazon will occupy the Luxa Silver building, while the US coworking multinational WeWork will occupy the LUXA Gold building.

The WICTEC EL SG model is used for the glazed WICONA façades and "resolved with a skin that provides high solar protection through the silk screen printing of a series of reflective vertical strips that permit full visibility from the interior of the building", according to the architects. The high technology WICTEC EL SG modular façade combines both design and quality. The modules are prefabricated, thus ensuring the highest quality in manufacture and installation, reducing assembly times without forgoing the all-glass appearance. In the opinion of the architects, "All the materials selected are of the best quality, which gives the building an extremely high standard of comfort and performance, creating a modern atmosphere and a high energy efficiency and allowing us to obtain the LEED GOLD certification." WICSTYLE 65 evo “all-glass” doors have been installed in the entrance areas, with a hidden hinge, permitting the full integration of the doors into the façade.

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Façades WICTEC


Find more about WICTEC EL evo




Find more about WICSTYLE 65 evo


Other references

Other References Reference page

Werk 3 Metall-Auer
Werk 3 Metall-Auer
Complejo Magic Badalona
Complejo Magic Badalona
CHU Hôpital de Sèvres
CHU Hôpital de Sèvres


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