WICPLOT 2.0是专门为幕墙和窗的应用而开发的建筑软件。 作为支持工具,它显着简化了图形的创建。丰富标准的部件资料库和永久最新的WICONA物料,使WICPLOT 2.0成为通用的程序,可用于快速简单的结构构造。
- 插入型材,附件和应用案例
- 按物料编号或全名查找相应功能
- 方便的程序模块,可创建钣金,箔,绝缘材料,玻璃,面板和密封件
- 铝,钢和不锈钢型材以及建筑的特殊连接件的标准零件库
- 单用户和网络安装
- 多语言版本:德语,英语和法语
- 可用作DXF和DWG图纸的CAD浏览器
- 可以合并用户自有零件库
- 可以独立使用单个模块,例如玻璃/面板
- 在线注册
您甚至可以使用WICPLOT 2.0创建施工图
- 更简单
WICPLOT 2.0可与AutoCAD,AutoCAD LT或Bricscad一起用作独立软件 - 更快捷
可以直观地选择所有WICONA物料或标准部件,由于包括了有螺钉或预制材料,显着减少了施工图纸 - 更精确
诸如“自动上光”之类的功能支持精确,高效地创建施工图 - 更高效
Software brochure
Software Download
How to download the latest version of WICPLOT?
To download WICPLOT 2.0 or to upgrade your version, please sign in to myWICONA or Continue as a guest.
Create a myWICONA account
If you don’t have a myWICONA account, please click on Sign up and fill the form to receive your own portal. You will receive a confirmation by email.
This will give you the opportunity to have a personalized area with the option of downloading all individual content and saving it there directly. Your relevant sales employee is also stored in the portal and can be contacted via the shortest possible route. Register now to benefit from all advantages!
By creating an account on myWICONA, you will automatically create your account on WICTIP, our technical documentation platform. Please note that you can delete your WICTIP and myWICONA account on the setting of your account.